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Лягушки с хрустящей корочкой - Задание
Комментарий от MsJamie
Crunchy Frog! Obvious Monty Python reference...
Комментарий от zoomie72
Who gives the quest?Комментарий от stuffeh
Very good to know... can make Хрустящая лягушка (tossing Breaded Frog into the pot to make Crunchy Frog) while in a raid group.
Комментарий от tonydizzle
As if cooking and fishing weren't easy enough to level, now even easier, definitely not going to complain!Комментарий от kt037
the profession quests that grant skill points ARE repeatable, but would only grant skill points like once a week or so...yep "5 skill points per faire week" according to the section titled "so you want to be in show-business" section on this Blizz site:
Комментарий от Necropenguin
This quest now suggests that you get the five Простая мука from trade good vendors in either Elwynn Forest or Mulgore, so you should probably purchase a stack before attending the faire just to save yourself a trip.It previously suggested on the PTR that you purchase them from an NPC named Faldar Willowshade, but this vendor was never implemented and the quest dialogue was changed.
Комментарий от candacegosh
will these quests still be available if you do the stormwind or ironforge quests that same day?Комментарий от Load
The Plump Frogs pop up in your inventory after you accept the quest.Just click them next to to the cauldron at the vendor while having some Simple Flour in your inventory to complete the quest.Don't mind the pointless, lyrical nerd comments above, not actually talking about the quest at all. Always popping up whenever Monty Python is referenced.
Комментарий от Ghostwhowalks
Do these profession quests have a minimum skill requirement? I learned Cooking and Fishing specifically to get some extra tickets, but the quests for them still aren't being offered.
Комментарий от Kosume
Requires 75 Cooking to obtain.Комментарий от stickshift
For the Horde, if you do forget to bring your 5 Simple Flours, you can zone to Thunderbluff, take the lift and Shadi Mistrunner, the trade supplier, is just to the right of the tiny pond.Комментарий от uriahworld
Alliance: You can purchase Simple Flour from the Trade Supplies Таринн Боуден vendor outside the DMF Portal in Elwynn Forest.Комментарий от WoWTheoryCraft
One of the new patch 4.3 Darkmoon Faire profession quests, you must have at least 75 skill in Cooking to see this quest.Requires 5 Простая мука which cannot be bought on Darkmoon Island so remember to bring some with you.
The profession quests can only be completed once during each Darkmoon Faire and will grant 5 skill points.
Quick summary of item requirements for Darkmoon Faire profession quests
Additional items required:
No item requirements:
- Blacksmithing
- Enchanting
- Engineering
- Herbalism
- Jewelcrafting
- Mining
- Skinning
- First Aid
- Fishing
The nearest vendors to the Darkmoon Faire portals are Курук (H), Фарли (A) for the Сок луноягоды and Шади Вестница Туманов (H), Таринн Боуден (A) for all the other trade goods. You'll have to collect the fossil fragments yourself. If you forgot to bring your fishing rod with you, Татиа Брайн on Darkmoon Island sells fishing supplies.
Комментарий от BEZERK805
Make sure your bags are not full!Mine were and I could not complete the quest...DO NOT throw (Use) a frog into the cauldron unless you have one (1) bag space to create room for the Crunchy Frog. Need to right click on Breaded Frog five (5) times to receive the required quest amount.
Before attempting this quest, you should already have some Simple Flour on yourself for an easy quest completion...
Комментарий от brionl
Praline: Next we have number four, 'Crunchy Frog'.Milton: Ah, yes.Praline: Am I right in thinking there's a real frog in here?Milton: Yes. A little one.Praline: What sort of frog?Milton: A dead frog.Praline: Is it cooked?Milton: No.Praline: What, a raw frog?Milton: We use only the finest baby frogs, dew-picked and flown from Iraq, cleansed in the finest quality spring water, lightly killed, and then sealed in a succulent Swiss quintuple smooth treble cream milk chocolate envelope, and lovingly frosted with glucose.Praline: That's as may be, but it's still a frog!Milton: What else?Praline: Well don't you even take the bones out?Milton: If we took the bones out it wouldn't be crunchy would it?
Monty Python's Flying Circus: Episode Six
Комментарий от Shigy
Just in case anyone else is confused like I was the plump frogs have a bag icon not a frog icon. I was wondering where they had gone.Комментарий от PortageLakes
I'm not getting this quest... I have the frogs and the flour and I can't do anything with them. I don't have a recipe to make them, nor can I click on this cauldron...?
Комментарий от sandyra
Current Bug Report: As at 31/03/12, on the 5th DMF since its revamp, many players with exalted rep (and some with revered) have reported being unable to see any of the monthly quests on the island, nor can they accept any of the quests started by the nine DMF raid/dungeon/PVP drops. Tickets have been submitted and a resolution may have already been implemented some 36 hours later - seeking more confirmation from players.
Комментарий от Dreadbringer
If your bag is full when you throw the frog(s), you will lose the breaded frogs but will NOT get the crunchy frogs in return.You will have to abandon the quest, pick it up again, re-bread the frogs with fresh flour, make space in your inventory, and try again.
Комментарий от thirdrowshambow
You could also try doing Heroic Old Kingdom. Got 133/250 from just that 1 run.Комментарий от Catoria
I'm hoping it's a glitch, but I was just at the darkmoon faire, and none of the quest givers for profs were giving the quests anymore. :(This is post patch 5.0.4.
Комментарий от Hammermads
First Dakrmoon Fair since patch 5.0.4 .. quest has been removed along with some of the other professional quests. However, the mining quest Повторное использование и переработка was available.Комментарий от Baldulf
For those curious, this quest ONLY rewards overall cooking skill, it does NOT reward you skill points in any of the Pandaren cooking specializations. This makes the quest essentially worthless for easing the 525-600 grind (I had hoped to skip one set of banquet mats!).
Комментарий от Fiammata
Beware: If your inventory is full when you go to 'cook' these breaded frogs, you'll be running back for more flour soon.Комментарий от rogermw
Fun fact: You can also toss your breaded frogs into the pot next to Sylannia, the Drink Vendor just a tad southwest of Stamp Thunderhorn's food stand. They will cook into crunchy frogs just as nicely over there.Комментарий от rhyled
For an added bit of fun, face away from the cauldron and toss them over your shoulder*. Works every time.* simply click the frog icon to toss - your facing direction doesn't matter
Комментарий от Wayness
Note: The Simple Flour has to be in a bag that you have on you. It will not work if the Flour is in your reagent bank bag. I tested this specifically as I wanted to never forget my flour for DMF ever again, but alas. It didn't work.
Комментарий от kyero
Must have a cooking level of ~100
Комментарий от dangerman
Unless you like chasing down Flik's frog or looking for Jubjub, just summon one of your pet frogs and use that to complete the quest. Have fun :)
Комментарий от Nomadwow
The frogs are in your backpack. You only need the flour.
Комментарий от gmartin2121
A quick check to see if you have completed this quest, /run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(29509))ru.wowhead.com
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Комментарий от MashedIdiot
The pay 10g for Shattered Sun Reputation will be one of the easiest ways to get this for lazy people.
Комментарий от groovz
i hope it applies retroactivly
Комментарий от juliansnow
If you're unable to do one of the four bombing runs that are currently in game for 5 days in a row, this achievement is out of your reach anyway...
Комментарий от zoombini666
Does anyone know if this means doing ANY daily quest each day for 5 days straight or the SAME daily quest for 5 days straight?
Комментарий от dakoth
It appears you're limited to 1 daily quest per day for 5 days running if you're looking to complete this achievement. If you complete another daily quest it'll reset the count to 0.
Комментарий от demimaelstrom
From what it looks like you have to do every daily you did the first day, for the next 5 days to get credit, i was 3/5 and didn't do one daily and it reset to 0 for me.Комментарий от melisma
My progress was on 3/5 after completing the daily dungeon this morning, which I hadn't done the previous 2 days; this seems to suggest that it does not have to be the same daily quest every day.However, after completing the PvP daily later in the same day my progress was reset to 0. It seems this achievement is bugged.
Комментарий от celestin
The timer seems screwy. I was at 1, then logged out and an hour later, same day, had 0.Комментарий от vladohent
my counter is on 1/5 and I finish 10 same quest every dayhow thiswork? only one quest every day, same sequence of quest every day? are this stuck if you do quest in diferent order next day?
or this achievement simple dont work.
Комментарий от shadow1515
This achievement is definitely bugged. I do the same 10 dailies every day on the Isle, but my progress is still at 0/5.EDIT: I suppose it's possible that it only works if you do only ONE daily every day, but I am not willing to sacrifice 90 easy gold just to test this.
Комментарий от Shorty
I'd say it's just bugged. I've been doing a varying number of dailies every day on my ret paladin, got it up to 3, and then it reset back to 0 in the middle of the day.Комментарий от Malfious
I was at 3/5, after doing every shattered sun daily available, the fishing & cooking dailys and the netherwing one at the scryers/aldor outpost in SMV.Did these every day, but now it's reset back to 0/5, and I just completed the Fishing & cooking ones, and the SMV netherwing one, but still stays at 0/5.
Комментарий от te00
Bugged for sure.
Комментарий от Sulticune
Yup, just bugged for me. Did the Nagrand daily 5 times, it went from 4 to 0. Fail
Комментарий от Demondan
I had 1/5 when I logged in today. 10 minutes later, when all I had done was to accept a daily quest, I had 0/5.
Комментарий от worlann
Just another comment confirming that it is bugged. I've been doing dailies since this achievement was implemented, and am still at 0/5
Комментарий от Flesseck
I wonder when Blizzard will fix this. :-(Комментарий от Tarak
If everyone is so concerned about it being bugged....then report the bug to Blizz and not just repeat here 50x that it is Bugged.I already did my part, but it takes several complaints b4 they stop believing that addons are the cause.
Комментарий от Sunwind
bugged, 4/5, finish a new quest and it resets to 1/5Комментарий от Aristodamos
My chat with the Game Masters (22 Oct, 2008)
Regarding the "A simple re-quest" achievment. - I have deleted the WTF folder- I have removed all addons- I even used the "Repair" utility- And of course, I have been doing dailies every day since the 3.0.2 came out
And the achievment counter still resets. Is this a confirmed bug?
GameMaster Warlyee
10/22 14:10:12.531 Warlyee whispers: Greetings Gahiji, I am Game Master Warlyee. Could I have a moment of your time to discuss your ticket about an achievement?10/22 14:10:35.578 To Warlyee: Hello Warlyee. Yes, ofcourse.10/22 14:11:07.890 Warlyee whispers: As far as we know this achievement is supposed to work as intended. 10/22 14:11:38.171 Warlyee whispers: Are you doing the same daily quest every day?10/22 14:11:55.640 To Warlyee: Oops... *hides in shame*10/22 14:12:04.437 To Warlyee: I... I was... I thought...10/22 14:12:42.765 To Warlyee: I guess not...10/22 14:13:25.734 Warlyee whispers: The achievement requires you to repeat the same quest 5 days in a row. That is how I have understood it at least and I got it granted when doing so.10/22 14:13:59.531 To Warlyee: I guess that would be it then. I will certainly give it a go.10/22 14:14:18.312 Warlyee whispers: Great. Is there perhaps anything else I can do for you Gahiji? 10/22 14:14:47.406 To Warlyee: One more question. Do you mind if I share our chat with the wowhead.com community? To help them too.10/22 14:16:01.781 Warlyee whispers: I can not see any problems with that. If it helps others I guess it's good :)10/22 14:16:08.109 To Warlyee: Great! Then say "Hello" to them *smiles*.10/22 14:16:16.500 To Warlyee: Thank you for your help Warlyee!10/22 14:16:17.921 Warlyee whispers: Hello.10/22 14:16:21.437 Warlyee whispers: My pleasure.10/22 14:16:26.296 To Warlyee: Good day!10/22 14:16:32.312 Warlyee whispers: Farewell and take care Gahiji.
Bottom line:
You need to do the SAME daily quest for 5 days. Cooking / fishing quest doesn't count as it has a different QuestID
Enjoy :)
EDIT: It is now a confirmed bug that any BG resets the counter. I too have test it in 4 characters... No BGs for 5 days! Take some time off, you deserve it :P
Комментарий от gretchinross
its really simple.when the achievement says 0/5. the first quest you do that day will be the one it counts.
you have to that quest each day for the next 4 days.
you can do any other daily quests during those days.
"the heroic daily" isn't one quest its one chosen at random. so in order for you to get this achievement from the heroic daily quest it has to be the same dungeon for all 5 days.
same goes for pvp, normal dungeon, cooking, fishing etc...
Комментарий от DoctorHat
Yeah, except its another blizzard kid who doesn't know what they are talking about. I *have* done the same quest, and it doesn't work.Unless you are only allowed to do ONE quest a day - ie, not 2 quests, just ONE quest.In which case its a totally lame achievement.Комментарий от Animammal
As far as I can tell, this achievement requires doing 1 daily quest and only 1 daily quest (any daily quest will do) per day. So day 1 you could do a daily heroic, day 2 you could do the daily fishing, day 3 the daily cooking and it would continue to progress the achievement. But the first day that you do 2 or more daily quests, it resets the count to zero. Or if you fail to do any daily quests on a particular day, the following day it will be reset to zero.I am up to 3 of 5 days with this theory and I'll keep on going and update in a few days if I get the achievement.
Комментарий от Animammal
As far as I can tell, this achievement requires doing 1 daily quest and only 1 daily quest (any daily quest will do) per day. So day 1 you could do a daily heroic, day 2 you could do the daily fishing, day 3 the daily cooking and it would continue to progress the achievement. But the first day that you do 2 or more daily quests, it resets the count to zero. Or if you fail to do any daily quests on a particular day, the following day it will be reset to zero.I am up to 3 of 5 days with this theory and I'll keep on going and update in a few days if I get the achievement.
UPDATE: My theory seemed to be holding and went up to 4/5 but when I completed my first daily on the fifth day it did indeed go back to 1/5. So I guess I was wrong and this does seem to be very bugged.
Комментарий от neomy
I have noticed that mine resets if I dont do the same quest within 24 hours of last turn in, rather than a day according to the daily reset. So if you turn in the quest at 1pm you need to turn it in before 1pm the next day or your count will reset.
Комментарий от Rustylol
I have completed this achievement and the key to completing it is to not join any BGs or your count will get resetted. Try it!Комментарий от Rustylol
I have completed this achievement and the key to completing it is to not join any BGs or your count will get resettted. Try it!You do not have to do the same quest as I started with the Headless Horseman daily and ended with some random IQD daily, both of which I did not repeat everyday.
Комментарий от countedcrow
In my own experience, my achievement reset after server resets. We've now had 3 different situations where they did a full reset or a rolling reset and after each one, my counter has reset with it.The latest was today after the rolling server resets. I had done random dailies throughout the last four days and today would have been the fifth day and I would have gotten the achievement. I just happened to login right before my server went down and was unable to complete a daily. After the server came back up, my achievement had been reset. So I went from 4/5 to 0/5.
I have watched this after the first time my counter went back to 0/5 and guess I will just have to wait til Blizzard gets the servers fully functional after the 3.0.2 patch.
Комментарий от Lore
Good job spotting that one. Just tryed it myself and it definatly reset my counter.I'm sure there are probably some other ways it resets, like rolling restarts / rollbacks, but if you want to complete this achievement it looks like the key at the moment is not to do any battlegrounds for the 5 days.(Now you just have to work out if the achievement is worth missing 5 days of pvp for)
Комментарий от Nishnig
In which case the The Air Strikes Must Continue is probably the next easiest. It doesn't need to be the SAME daily, you just have to do A daily. I received the achievement after completing a daily that I know I hadn't completed the previous day.Комментарий от rimor
it's buged definitlyi put a tiket this morning after completing ABAIN same quest for like a week now and progres 2/5, and got the answer on mail that is buged and will be corected "as soon as possible" :Di put on a screenie about the mail but it need to be aprowef first :Pno pr0n :D
Комментарий от HolgerDK
I made a ticket to a GM and got an answer back that confirms that the achievement isnt updating correctly.
Комментарий от sdkphoenix
This achievement is bugged. I have done the Stop The Fires daily every day of Hallow's End and I should have this but I don't. I checked my achievement today after I finished it, it said 1, logged off, came back on a few minutes ago and now it says 0.
Комментарий от Paxa
This achievement is now really broken. It seems to be randomly reseted or sometimes does not count some quest (day). I have it confirmed from Game Master Support today. They appologize and developpers are working on correction. My opinion is: Better dont try to achieved it, before it will be corrected (patched).
Комментарий от GrandPoobah
So, does this quest reset itself from your achievement list? I know it will give you the points, but not give you it upon doing it over and over again.
Комментарий от Malfious
Just completed it now. Did the same dailys every day since the patchКомментарий от Rintell
What a deceptive name for a quest. Here is what I have seen on my toon.I have had the counter reset a number of times.
I do not do PvP or Battlegrounds.
I have been concentrating on cooking and fishing quests.
Yesterday I completed the cooking and fishing quests before 7am server time....Counter 1/5This morning I was not able to get them done before 7am server time....checked and counter was 0/5
I have been up to 4/5 and I don't think I completed exactly the same cooking quest each day.
My experience says there is an important time component in this quest. My solution is to do the Multiphasic survey quest each day at the same time (well a little earlier than I completed it the day before).
Danora - Thorium Brotherhood
Комментарий от sanura
Awesome, except you just wasted his time repeating the quest to you. This achievement is indeed bugged for some people that happen to be doing it correctly...Комментарий от klona
A great fix for this is to place the timer on a 30 hour reset instead of a 24 hour. Also they need to fix the BG reset issue. I was actually using the daily BG quest to attempt to complete this! Didn't work.I have been getting similar results as the other folks. I am guessing patch 3.0.3 will (hopefully) address this issue. If not, 3.0.4 will. I am being very hopeful.
In reality, does it really matter? Until WotLK comes out, we can't gain any benefit of these anyway. So I am taking the "Wait and See" approach.
Happy trails, all.
Комментарий от Axarium
At last i DID IT !1. No BG join2. No Server Restarts3. not confirmed but: No Zoning (Dungeons)
Комментарий от neura
This *does* work with the fishing daily - it seems like that you MUST do the SAME daily first each day.I did this by doing the fishing daily first every day (followed by the cooking daily). If you are doing HH make sure you do your re-quest daily first!
Комментарий от Murloq
http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=11875 does not count eitherКомментарий от tiggerbounc
Just a theory, and maybe it was a fluke, but it worked for me..."Complete a daily quest every day for five consecutive days"
After having the quest 'randomly' reset on me several times, I decided to work under the assumption that maybe their definition of "days" isn't the same as a server-reset day. What if, when they say "day", they mean you have to complete each quest within 24 hours of the first one?
I used the Shattered Sun Donation quest for the test. First day, I waited until 11pm before doing any dailies, then I started with that one. Next day, 10pm, then noon, 11am, and finally 3am. Completed the Achievement.
So I did a sliding time-scale where each one was within 24-hours of the day before. For my next test, I'll be seeing if only the first quest's time matters. Good luck.
Комментарий от dakoth
So, to sum up;1) You can NOT join any BG's.2) You CAN enter instances.3) You can NOT wait more than 24 hours from the LAST daily of the previous day to the FIRST the next day.4) You CAN complete a different daily as your first each day.5) You CAN complete the same daily as your first each day.6) You CAN complete how many dailies as you want each day.
Follow these rules and barring any server resets (mine persevered through a patch, but I wouldn't count on it happening again) you should be fine.
Комментарий от Assassinman
This Achievement is actually bugged. According to Tigole,"There is currently an issue with "A Simple Re-Quest". The achievement has a bug that will sometimes cause it to reset if you enter a Cross-Realm Battleground. We have a fix in place for this that will go live with patch 3.0.3 (soon). In the meantime, if you absolutely want this achievement, the best thing to do is to not enter a BG while working on it.
Many apologies. "
Source: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=12065190257&sid=1
Комментарий от Shuror
Just complete the achievement in a month or so, when the bugs are fixed.Комментарий от Vanthus
I did some testing and with other forum posters help have solved the mystery of a simple re-quest.A list of facts.
You do NOT need to complete the same daily every day. For instance, my first quest on day 5 that got me the achievement, was a daily I had only done 2 times, and I did not do it at all on day 4.
Cooking, fishing, etc work fine and actually will give you credit for the quest!
Running instances and raids have no affect on this achievement. On day 3 I did both Kara and ZA.
Doing the headless horseman has no affect on this...I did the headless horseman during several of the 5 days.
I have not tested BG's during this, but I just did the AV Daily and I still have my achievment...it did not reset.
HERE is the only thing that will reset this as far as I have found....the 24 hour timer.
From the moment you do your first daily and get the 1/5 mark, you have 24 hours to complete the next daily...If you do another daily during the same server day (which runs 3am to 3 am I think...when the dailies reset), you will not get another mark, but you will reset that 24 hour timer...and thus have 24 hours from then to complete the next daily...Every daily you do, no matter what time of the day, resets that 24 hour timer...You get credit (ie 1/5, 3/5) for the first daily you do on a new sever day, but this is independent of the 24 hour timer...no matter what you have to keep doing dailies within 24 hours of the last one to keep going.
Some examples:
If you do skettis bombing at 10AM you will get 1/5...you then do fishing at 8 PM (resetting the 24 hour timer)...still 1/5....next day you do cooking at 11 AM...you will get 2/5
If you do skettis bombing at 10AM you will get 1/5...next day you do cooking at 11 AM....you will still be at 1/5 because it has been more than 24 hours since your last daily and it reset to 0/5
If you do skettis bombing at 10AM you will get 1/5...next day you do cooking at 9AM...you will get 2/5 because it was only 23 hours since your last one.
The assured way of doing this is do at least one daily (any daily) in the AM and at least one daily in the PM every day for 5 days, and the achievement will be YOURS!
Комментарий от dakoth
It appears the Battleground bug at least was fixed with 3.0.3 - or so my friend tells me (I finished the achievement before patch).Комментарий от Honeybuny
Okay I have been doing dailies now for the past 11 days. No BG's for 12 hrs.I had 5 quests in total to hand in today.I handed in the first 2 and still had 0/5.
Before handing the last 3 dailies, in I deleted 2 quests I had:http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=10106http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=13478
Confirmed as stated above Cooking/Fishing Dailies don't count towards it, but when I handed in http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=11880 *WooshI now have a 1/5.
So also daily PVP/BG quests will stop the count as well.
Комментарий от Saphala
I contacted a GM yesterday and they said that they're still working on it and to just keep trying until they fix this achievement. I may have found a work around if it works I'll update this post in 2 days :)
Комментарий от Superunknown
I've tried this doing the Wyrmrest daily and it still doesn't work. I got to 4/5 and went to do it today only to find the counter had reset.
Комментарий от danesrun
I was finally able to get this achievement yesterday, i started on Saturday doing dailies in shatt and then on the isle's. I got no credit for dailies i did on Sat and Sun but on Monday i got credit 1/5 then for Tuesday 2/5 etc until yesterday (Friday) finally got the 5/5 on first daily turned in. I did no Bg's during this time just in case. I don't know if it will work for everyone but for me trick was to do dailies during week not on weekends.Комментарий от ikki007
Vanthus' explaination is perfect, maybe hard to understand. So here is the answer in one sentence."Complete a daily quest every server day, with less than twenty-four hours between them, for five server days"
Read this carefully and the achievement is easy.
Комментарий от n0one
I have found that it doesn't matter if you are flying. You get dismounted. Even in Swift Flight Form. But there is a rise at 40.1/59.6 that you can stand on and spam the macro. Takes about 15min total./tar Orgrim's Hammer Scout/use Dart Gun/cleartarget
Комментарий от worthit
I did different daily quests for 5 days in a row. Got the achievement the fifth day when I did the cooking quest. It didn't reset and I didn't have to repeat the same quest five times.
Комментарий от LoKHor
In TBC it wouldn't work for me (SSO quests). But I just got this yesterday after doing the Wyrmrest Temple dragon daily five days in a row. For some reason it decided to continue counting on that quest. This achievement is probably still buggy, but try that quest five days in a row. ;)
Комментарий от RaakaReiska
Somehow I can't find this one anymore in my Achievements? Was it too bugged, Blizzard removed it?Комментарий от AlternateTheory
A Simple Re-Quest
There is nothing simple about this!
Комментарий от robog2
I got it by doing the daily cooking quests and they wure not the same.
Комментарий от DarkLordMagus
When does the counter reset. I am doing 1 quest per day but what counts as a day? Is it server time or 24 hours since the last quest?Комментарий от ShadowTim
I did the Break the Blockade quest at 2:30 am on Monday and got 1/5. I then repeated the Break the Blockade quest at 3:10 am on Monday and got 2/5. I didn't log in Monday night or Tuesday Morning. It is now around 5 pm Tuesday Evening after an extended Server Maintainence and a new patch and my counter is 0/5. This quest sucks for ppl with random work schedules.
Комментарий от Bakaleaf
The easy way i had figured out and told my guildmates to do this was to take the latest time your on, which for most of us is either midnight server or around there, and do a daily...then only do that daily for 5 24 hour days...so far i havent noticed anything else reseting the counter...but i also only go to bgs to help out my priest friend and had this done by doing the wyrmrest defender daily over and over while i quested in dragonblight so i never had a count when i started the 80 bgs.Комментарий от Blaast
This keeps getting reset on me and I havent run any battlegrounds. Could raids be a problem also? The daily in particular ive been working with is the http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=13003 quest. Other than Sons of Hodir dailies all Ive done is Heroics, Naxx and OS. Im not kidding when I say I bet ive done this quest like 20 days in a row without fail. Ive had this achievement reset on me like 6 or 7 times now. Im almost exalted with SoH so Im not even gonna try many more times. Any new news on this one?Комментарий от D3L33T
So, it seems to me the way to complete this achievement if you are having difficulties is this:1. Stay in your physical zone (no BGs, no Arenas, no boats, zeppelins, no portals, no hearthstones, etc...). Stay in one zone (Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Outlands, Northrend, etc...) for five days.
2. Start & complete your first daily late that day (ex: 11:00pm Tuesday night) and record your completion time.
3. Start and complete your four subsequent daily quests thirty to forty minutes prior to the previous day's completion time and record your new time. (ex: 10:30pm Wed, 10:00pm Thur, 9:30pm Fri & 9:00pm Sat)
4. Pray there are no restarts or rollbacks.
This should do the trick. I will confirm if this works once I achieve it.
Комментарий от Juvick
I believe that the counter is on a 24-hour reset, so if you do the quest at 4 pm one day, and then wait til 6 pm the next day, it will not count it as it is not in the 24-hour time peroid.This is only an assumption and is not confirmed, but it seems to be true to meКомментарий от ChrisScott
This achievement is as buggy as all heck. I follow all these recommendations and my counter keeps resetting too. On talking to some other players there's an additional stipulation which might apply:* You can only do *one* (eligible) Daily per day - not two or more.
That's a pain if you're grinding rep and/or gold, but I'm going to try it out with the Tuskarr Daily in Dragonblight.
Комментарий от Deathomen
I've been attempting this achievement since 3.0.2 was released. After reading the comments here, I think i understand where my flaws have been. My counter reset on me this afternoon, so I am back at 0/5. Wish me luck =D
Комментарий от TenTonApe
Does doing any daily quest other than the one your focusing on reset the counter? Cause yesterday I have 2/5 and today it reset, but I've been doing the same quest (Hellfire Fortifications) every dayКомментарий от sponge
Doing the JC dailies also has reset the timer for me. I had done the daily as far as 4/5 (doing the JC daily each of the 4 days; NOTE: each day was a different JC daily) and then the next day back to 0.Most likely the reset occured due to one of the previous postings reasons. Definately not a "simple" re-quest.
Комментарий от morphiusrt
Same problem here, could someone else confirm this wyrmrest daily gets to 4days on achievement and resets counter back to 1.Комментарий от Commendatore
Just found something even more strange then counter reset... Today at 3 pm I had 3/5 quests done (the last one was completed yesterday at 7 pm)... Then I completed Overstock quest and the counter increased to 4/5. At 4 pm I logged out and then logged in at 6 pm. The counter was again 3/5!I did NOT:
- change location
- use Hearthstone
- visit BGs
- complete other dailies
Playing on the Russian server "Страж Смерти" (that means "Death's Watch"), but I think this bug is typical for all servers... And no reply from GM (as usual on Russian servers :S )
Комментарий от Pleuris1970
This is still bugged, as my counter just resetted...Logged on just after 3:00 Server Time, just to do the daily (for the 4th day in a row) but it reads : 0/5
Plz, remove this achievement or fix it...
Комментарий от Pleuris1970
I believe that the counter is on a 24-hour reset, so if you do the quest at 4 pm one day, and then wait til 6 pm the next day, it will not count it as it is not in the 24-hour time peroid.This is only an assumption and is not confirmed, but it seems to be true to me
So, the daily Dalaran cooking quest is not valid for this achievement then, as you can only get it 24 hours after you've completed the previous one?
Seems odd, as it is a daily as well...
And I've had this on 3/5 yesterday, just to log in right now and found it was at 0/5...
Комментарий от Pleuris1970
Keep in mind that you'll have to complete this quest within 24 hours for 5 days, and that the WoW clock (on europe realms) resets @ 03:00 CET, thus not @ 0:00 CET... <-- Made that mistake myself, as I work late often..Комментарий от doromo
something tells me http://www.wowhead.com/?achievement=1789 is going to screw alot of people over during childrens week if it uses the same mechanics.wish me luck!
Комментарий от kyliaar
It is still possible in this case. If you play for the same fours each day or whatever, do one daily at the beginning and one at the end. The only way you could get thrown off is if you completely miss your session one day.
Комментарий от Metak
I did it with ONLY doing "Grizzly Veteran" daily quests. I log in, do them, log out. With that routine, i got the achievement.Комментарий от Therulnig
Also, It's only mentioned in 1 post that is actually talking about something different, But:The Cooking/Fishing Dailies count as the same Quest for proposes of this acheivement (The ones in Dalaran, You can't mix between Shatt and Dal ones). This means yes, You can get the acheivement for doing your cooking daily everyday.
Комментарий от Saecula
I'm fairly certain the 24 hour lockout period described in comments above is not in effect. Not now, or ever.I was doing some daily quests on an alt today that hasn't yet finished this achievement. Yesterday I did my daily quests at around 4pm. Today I did them a bit later, at 6:30pm. My achievement tracker went from 3/5 yesterday to 4/5 today. Edit: On the 5th day I got the achievement.
The only thing that I have ever experienced that interferes with this achievement is the counter resetting upon entering a cross-realm battleground, and that bug has been fixed. I suspect that people were failing their achievement due to that bug, and were incorrectly assuming it was due to a 24 hour timer instead.
Комментарий от syphadiaz
Email reply I received from BlizzardSupport regarding 'A Simple Re-quest' and the similar Childrens Week achievement 'Daily Chores'."Greetings,
Thank you for contacting the World of Warcraft Game Master Department.
Answer: In order to complete the achievement "A Simple Request" you need to complete at least 1 daily quest every 24 hours for 5 straight days. If you logout, the timer still runs, so log in at least for a short time each day to complete a daily quest to get this achievement. The same will apply for Children's Week. As far as any bugs, there are very few reports from players that still have issues and all of these issues stem from players with modified UI's and out-of-date add-ons that conflict with our in-game quest counters. Our tests always come back 100% for this achievement with each new game build and based upon a clean UI. If the counter is not working for you, please reset your UI (User Interface). Here are the steps for a UI reset: please exit World of Warcraft, delete your WTF, Interface, and Cache folders, (all found in the game install directly for WoW) and then relaunch World of Warcraft."
I hope this helps the WowHead community as it cleared up any confusion I had about these achievements.
Комментарий от StitchMonkey
It is helpful, but still every 24 hours could be interpreted more than one way. . . .I am hoping it means that you need to have a 120 hour stretch of time during orphan week where nor more than 24 hours goes without having done some daily quest.
It just still makes me a bit uncomfortable. With so little time i just wish i knew more clearly what precisely they want us to do. Especially with maintenance tossed in the middle.
Комментарий от RealUnimportant
I'm fairly certain the 24 hour lockout period described in comments above is not in effect. Not now, or ever.
So, you're going to turn up 6 months after the fact and claim that proven facts are false? How kind of you. It was indeed in effect when 3.0 first launched and for a long time thereafter; I never did BGs yet my counters were always being reset until I followed the "within 24 hours" rule and got the achievement.However, this was the OLD version of this achievement, whereby you had to do the same daily every day for 5 days. It seems no-one to have noticed that the wording on this has been changed in 3.1(.1?) to allow you to do ANY daily quest once a day for 5 days... And, to be fair, I only noticed when I had this achievement pop up as completed for the second time on the same character. Seeing as I also know that, due to my current erratic work schedule, I definitely wasn't following the 24-hour rule (well, I thought I'd got the achievement already so I wasn't even trying to complete it!) so it would appear that this too has finally been removed - with any luck, this just works from your Dailies counter in your quest log now, like it always should have!
Комментарий от Versato
If you want this fast just do like me and take the easy daily pvp quest in Terokkar ForestAlliance http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=11505Horde http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=11506
very easy and you get Honor Points
Комментарий от hhh4
I just done it its easy at this time of year(Midsummer) just do the daily quests with tossing and catching.
Комментарий от ankorafeonix
How long is it after completing a daily that you're allowed to pick it up again? A simple question I know but I'm actually not sure about that.Комментарий от irondragoon2050
You don't have to jockey times like this anymore. I started on a Tuesday Night and ended on a Saturday morning.The following was roughly my schedule:Tuesday: 9pmWednesday: 5pmThursday: 6 or 7pmFriday: 6 or 7 pmSaturday: 8am
I just did one a day. Simple as that.
Комментарий от Faufnir
Would you kindly?
Комментарий от Supahtoons
Dailies reset at 3 AM ST.
Комментарий от Shadowofrsr
I just went and did the same Daily every time it reset simple as that and I got this achievement with no problems at all. I suggest a really easy daily to get to. Just don't forget that if you have been gone for more than so many hours and the daily quests have reset more than once since you last did one that your going to have to start back over from 0/5.Комментарий от Pinksugar4
Most of these are all true, with the time period and things.I tried doing this at a low level and the easiest daily I found was the Gurubashi Arena one, as all you do is fight someone your own level, hand in the quest which is only a few seconds away and do it tomorrow.
Комментарий от Skuppis
This achievement works with the Blingtron 4000.Комментарий от Aamunkajo
The "consecutive days" part is not valid at the moment. I just got this achievement with a character that I had not played for a week. I suspect the correct wording currently should be:"Complete a daily quest on any five separate days."I got the "5 dailies complete" toast with the character at the same time, and I'm fairly sure I've done just one daily at a time. (Two Kaluak dailies when questing in appropriate areas, Blingtron for the rest.)
Хлеб с пряностями | WoWWiki

- Хлеб с пряностями
- Требуется уровень: 1
- Уровень предмета 5Распыляется на:Не распыляется
- Цена продажи: 5
Ртот предмет получают РїСЂРё приготовлении [простой РјСѓРєРё] Рё [пряных трав].
![]() | 1x ![]() ![]() | ![]() ![]() | 1x [Пряные травы] |
Требуется навык в кулинарии: 1 (30, 35, 40)

Учителя кулинарии в WoW за Альянс, где найти товары для кулинарии и дейлики | Моя MMO - новости WoW, Pandaria
05.03 2013
- Профессии | Автор: Царь
Кулинария – одна из не основных профессий в игре, но довольно полезная. Подробно о профессии можете узнать в гайде «Кулинария – профессия в WoW». В этой же статье будет рассказано где найти учителей \ тренеров профессии игрокам за Альянс.Всего в игре, на момент написания статьи было более 50ти учителей кулинарии, какие-то из них были враждебны к игрокам Альянса, какие-то дружелюбны, одни находились у черта на куличках, а другие в столицах.
Вот о тех учителях, которые находятся в столицах и «важных преподавателях» я вам, и расскажу и покажу на картах, где их можно найти!
Хочу заметить, что в столицах (всегда) возле учителей кулинарии стоят торговцы, которые продают основные товары для кулинарии!
Товары для кулинарии
У торговцев «Товары для кулинарии» продается довольно много всяких всячин, которые зависят от самого торговца.
Р’ Штормграде, Дарнасе, Стальгорне Рё Ркзодаре РІС‹ можете купить: «Простая мука», «Освежающая ключевая вода» Рё «Пряные травы» — это первые реагенты РІ этой профессии; Р° еще Сѓ РЅРёС… продаются некоторые рецепты.
В Штормграде, в квартале магов, стоит торговец (возле учителя кулинарии), которые продает рецепты Катаклизмовского контента.
Даларан – у торговца продаются рецепты времен «Короля Лича» и «Северные пряности» — реагент необходимый для большинства рецептов ЛК.
А еще у учителей доступны ежедневные задания – дейлики!
Кулинарные дейлики
Кулинарные дейлики дают все учителя, во всех столицах, а так же учителя кулинарии в Пандарии — в Долине Четырёх Ветров. За выполнение дейликов вы будете получать награды.
Штормград, Стальгорн и Дарнас – один дейлик на выбор в любой из столиц. Наградой будет +1 к навыку кулинарии и Награда Гурмана, за некоторые дейлики дают +2 к навыку кулинарии.
В Шаттрате за дейлик вам будут давать сумку, из которой можно добыть рецепты.
В Даларане – сумка из которой падает рецепт на «Шоколадный торт» (нужен для ачивки) и «Северные пряности», а также Награда Гурмана.
За выполенение всех видов дейликов в этих столицах вы будете получать достижения! На награды гурмана можно покупать различные реагенты и рецепты, в этих же столицах, а так же кое-какую утварь.
В Пандарии за задания по кулинарии вы будете получать «Жетон железной Лапы» — на него можно обменивать реагенты для блюд Пандарии, кухонную утварь, различные фановые предметы и пандарские кулинарные рецепты.
Так что, дейлики стоит делать 🙂
А теперь настала пора показать, где найти учителей кулинарии.
Учителя кулинарии
Штормград – Восточные королевства, столица людей, самый главный город за Альянс. В Штормграде 2 учителя кулинарии.
Робби Флей – стоит на угле квартала магов. Дает ежедневные задания кулинарные в Штормграде, возле него стоит торговец, у которого можно купить рецепты Катаклизма.
Стивен Райбек – находится в таверне, стоящей в квартале Старый город. Возле него стоит торговец у которого можно купить стартовые реагенты для кулинарии: муку, воду и пряности. А ещё он паскалка на Кейси Райбека, персонажа из знаменитого фильма в котором главная роль была за Стивеном Сигалом, да именно тот «шеф-повар» в фильме «В осаде».
Дарнас – Каллимдор, столица Рльфов Рё РїСЂРёСЋС‚ Воргенов.
Рлегорн – учитель кулинарии РІ Дарнасе, РѕРЅ же дает Рё дейлики. Найти его можно РЅР° Террасе Ремесленников (северо-восток Дарнаса) РІ РѕРґРЅРѕРј РёР· РґРѕРјРѕРІ.
Стальгорн – находится в Восточных Королевствах, дом Дворфов и Гномов.
Дерил Рикнуссун – обучит вас в Стальгорне. Стоит в одном из домов возле Великой Кузни, угловой дом на перекресте путей. Он же дает и задания по профессии.
Мумман – учитель кулинарии РІ Ркзодаре. Найти его можно РІ РґРѕРјРёРєРµ, севернее летки.
Шаттрат – нейтральная столица – столица убежище в Запределье, где игроки различных фракций не могут нападать друг на друга и все торговцы и учителя к вам будут дружелюбны.
В Шаттрате очень много учителей, но я расскажу вам только ободном из них. А еще в Шаттрате ежедневное кулинарное задание дает НЕ учитель кулинарного дела!
Джек Зверолов – найти его можно на рынке в Нижнем Городе (название части Шаттрата), в нижней части города.
Скалл – гоблин, дающий ежедневные задания! Находится возле приюта в Шаттрате, часть под названием Нижний город — сверху.
Даларан, как и Шаттрат – город убежище. Находится в центре Нордскола. Но в отличие от Шаттрата, в этом городе некоторые торговцы и учителя не захотят вступать в контакт с вражеской фракцией.
Катерина Ли – учитель кулинарии для Альянса в Даларане. Она же дает и ежедневное кулинарное задание и возле нее ходит торговец, который продает рецепты времен Короля Лича. Найти ее можно в гостинице Альянса – Серебряный Анклав, на первом этаже в дальней комнате.
Панды любят покушать, так что не удивительно, что в Пандарии было добавлен много чего нового в профессию кулинарии, а так же развлетлений. Найти учителей кулинарного дела в Пандарии легко – отправляйтесь в локацию под названием Долина Четырех Ветров и в центре локации вы обнаружите Рынок Полугорья, там и стоят учителя этой профессии. Учителей очень много, каждый из них отвечает за свое направление.
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